York 2032 sets out a vision for the decade ahead, with 5 priority areas to focus on.
The York 2032 Vision is that:
York will be a vibrant, prosperous, welcoming and sustainable city, where everyone can share and take pride in its success.
There are different thematic boards who lead on delivery of the ambitions set in York 2032, and in their own thematic strategy.
Health and Wellbeing Board
York’s Health and Wellbeing Board is a partnership that works together to make improvements to the health and wellbeing of York residents.
Their meetings are held in public meetings 6 times per year. View webcasts of Health and Wellbeing Board meetings.
The Board’s main responsibilities are to:
- agree the health and wellbeing priorities for the city
- work to address these priorities
- produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and from this a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
- encourage partnership working across the city
- sign off Better Care Fund Plans
Health and Wellbeing Board membership
The Chair of the York Health and Wellbeing Board is the Leader of City of York Council or his/her nominee. The Leader’s nominee is currently the Elected Member Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.
The Board comprises representatives from:
- Elected Member Portfolio Holder for Education, Children and Young People
- Elected Member Representative
- The NHS Place Director for York
- Co-Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative & Primary Care Network Clinical Director
- The Manager of Healthwatch York
- The Director of Public Health
- The Corporate Director of Childrens and Education - City of York Council
- The Corporate Director of Adults and Integration - City of York Council
- The Chief Executive of York Centre for Voluntary Service
- The Chief Executive of York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- A representative of Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- The Chair of the Independent Care Group
- The Locality Director of NHS England North
- The Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police
- other members appointed by the Board or the Leader of the Council after consultation with the Board
Health and Wellbeing Board contact details
Health and Wellbeing Board
West Offices
Station Rise
Email: [email protected].
Skills and Employment Board
The Skills and Employment Board is a partnership between different institutions and organisations responsible for skills provision across York.
The Board has developed and is responsible for implementing and overseeing the delivery of the One-year plan: Skills for Employment in York, and Skills for Employment: York’s 10-year Strategy.
The Board is aligned with the city’s Economic Growth Partnership.
Through its work, the Board will seek to facilitate a deep and long-lasting partnership between skills providers and employers to support the development of key sectors in the York economy and enable York residents to get well-paid and rewarding work.
The Board is not a decision-making body but will advise and make recommendations to the Council, Local Enterprise Partnership and combined authority, and to the Economic Partnership.
The Board meet every 6 to 8 weeks, with frequency of meetings to be reviewed annually.
Skills and Employment Board membership
The Board comprises representatives from:
- Askham Bryan College
- City of York Council
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Jobcentre Plus
- Trades Union Congress (TUC)
- University of York
- West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
- York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- York College
- York St John University
- Independent training providers
- Small, medium and large employers in the city
Through ongoing and tailored engagement, the range of voices will be broadened, for example to include secondary education partners, relevant sector skills bodies and industry representatives.
Skills and Employment Board contact details
Alison Edeson, Skills Manager
Employer Engagement, Employability
West Offices
Station Rise